A Better Auto Loan

A vehicle purchase doesn’t have to be associated with a nightmare experience. We make the process effortless from application to purchase. 

Ready to Get Started?

Start the auto loan process with any one of these three options. 


WesTex Federal Credit Union

No need to come in, you can apply online! We’ll be in contact from start to finish and you’ll be able to get updates on your loan status. 

Finance With A Partner Dealership

WesTex Federal Credit Union

Our team of auto dealers in the Lubbock and Plainview area are ready to get started on your auto loan.

Apply In Person

WesTex Federal Credit Union

Visit with one of the professionals at any branch location and we’ll get the loan process started for you ASAP! Applying for an auto loan has never been easier!

How Much Can You Afford?

Use one of our loan calculators to determine your monthly payment! 

Repo Center

Occasionally, a car comes back to us as a repo. Here is our current list of repo vehicles.