Could you use some extra cash in your pocket this summer?  Or a little extra money just to get by? Whatever the reason, WesTex Federal Credit Union can help you with our Skip-a-Payment program. Eligible members with qualifying loans are permitted to skip two loan payments per year. One during the summer (June) and one during the winter months (December).


  • You must have made at least one full monthly payment on your loan and your loan must be current. (This includes all add-on loans. Any loan advance made after 05-01-22 is ineligible.)
  • Your checking account balance must not be overdrawn. Your savings account must not be under the minimum $5.00.
  • If you have a MasterCard, through WesTex, it must be current.
  • If your loan has a co-signer/co-applicant, both parties must sign the form.
  • The completed form must be received at a WesTex branch no later than May 22, 2024 in order to process your request to skip a payment.
  • WesTex reserves the right to deny a Skip-A-Payment request.


  • MasterCard balances
  • Home Equity
  • Mortgage
  • Recreational Vehicles
  • Term Loans

*By participating in the Skip-a-Payment program, you understand and agree that:The Skip-a-Payment option in no way alters the terms and conditions of my original loan contract as previously disclosed. Interest at the agreed rate will continue to accrue on the unpaid balance of your loan. Loan payments made by payroll deduction will be deposited to the share account.