Winter Skip A Pay Winter
Could you use some extra cash in your pocket this summer? Or a little extra money just to get by? Whatever the reason, WesTex Federal Credit Union can help you with our Skip-a-Payment program. Eligible members with qualifying loans are permitted to skip two loan payments per year. One [...]
Take these steps to foil criminals after your credit or debit card data when you fill up. The national average gas price was $4.77 a gallon as of the first week of July, according to AAA. Depending on how big your vehicle’s gas tank is, you’re already paying what may [...]
Siga estos pasos para frustrar a los delincuentes que buscan los datos de su tarjeta de crédito o débito cuando se llena su tanque. El precio promedio nacional de la gasolina fue de $4.77 por galón a partir de la primera semana de julio, según AAA. Según el tamaño del [...]
A signature loan, is a type of loan that doesn’t require collateral to secure the debt. Collateral is something of value, like a home or auto. The borrowers’ signature is a legal promise to pay the loan back. Signature loans are also referred to as “good faith” or “character” loans. A [...]
It’s graduation season – congratulations graduate! You’ve graduated and now it’s time to make a plan to get that student debt paid off. It can seem a little overwhelming, but if you carefully consider your options, prioritize properly and make a plan you can stick to, it will help you [...]
Your financial information isn’t secure enough with traditional passwords. Online hackers have developed a multitude of methods to steal your credentials and gain unauthorized access to your accounts. Anyone can fall victim to an attack, and despite recommendations on password security, we are notoriously bad at creating and remembering strong [...]
Rising costs are all around us; and although we may not be able to control the economy, we can control how we spend our money. Here are ten money saving tips that could help you save. Track your spending! If you know where your money is actually being spent, it [...]
So, you just filed your taxes and you’re getting a refund! Now it’s time to carefully consider what you should do with the money. It’s always tempting to buy a new TV, spend it on new clothes or entertainment, but there are better ways to use it. Here are a [...]
Simply put, a signature loan is a loan that does not require collateral to back it up. This type of loan is also referred to as an unsecured loan and it is backed up by the good credit of the borrower. The lender has nothing more than your word, your [...]